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Available courses

Baie mense kies ‘n arm ingesteldheid instede van ‘n ingesteldheid van oorvloed, oftewel ‘n ryk ingesteldheid. Hierdie denkwyse hou ons gevange in ‘n gewone, probleem-geöriënteerde denkpatroon. In hierdie kursus ontdek ons hoe om te beweeg na ‘n ingesteldheid van geleenthede en moontlikhede, om sodoende jou finansiële situasie positief te beïnvloed, en so ook baie ander aspekte van jou lewe.Die kursus bied praktiese stappe om jou welvaart te groei en jou uitkyk op finansies te verander.Oor hierdie kursus:Sessie 1: Inleiding tot die konsepte van RykBrein- en ArmBrein-denkeSessie 2: Ingesteldheid & GeldSessie 3: 5 Stappe tot Finansiële WelvaartSessie 4: Watter deel van die brein is jou voorkeur?Sessie 5: RykBrein, ArmBrein: Die LinkerbreinSessie 6: RykBrein, ArmBrein: Die RegterbreinSessie 7: Sukses: Die Heelbrein in aksieSessie 8: Slot: Die Moed om te verander

10 Lessons
Updated: Dec 2023
29 Enrolled

Many people choose a poor mindset instead of a mindset of abundance (=rich). This type of thinking keeps us captured in an ordinary, problem-thinking state. In this course we show the way to move to opportunity and possibility mindsets in order to grow your money and to change many aspects of your life. The course also offers practical steps to grow your wealth and change the way you think about money. On the other hand, your brain preferences impact all facets of your life – how you parent, sell, communicate – and certainly how you manage your finances. This course reveals how some of these preferences prompt rich brain and others poor brain decisions. The course offers the answer to success - a whole brain approach.About This Course:Session 1: Introduction to the concept Rich Brain (abundance thinking) and poor brainSession 2: Attitude and your WealthSession 3: 5 Steps to WealthSession 4: Which part of the brain do you prefer?Session 5: Rich Brain, Poor Brain: The Left BrainSession 6: Rich Brain, Poor Brain: The Right BrainSession 7: Success: The Whole-Brain in ActionSession 8: Wrapping up: The courage to change

10 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
12 Enrolled

Introduction: Our Digital Citizenship course will give your participants the guidance needed in the ever-changing digital world. As our lives are lived more and more online, we all need to translate our social skills into the virtual world. Digital Citizenship allows us to connect, collaborate, and share, by using technology appropriately. In-person meetings are on the decline which makes it necessary to engage people digitally. Being a good digital citizen means you have a set of skills to work effectively in the digital world. Course Objective: Define digital citizenship Use technology appropriately Use social networking to create your brand Protect your reputation online Practice safe use of technology Understand digital etiquette

1 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
7 Enrolled

Introduction Rolling out a Holistic Job Search strategy in your first career search will empower you to: 1.  Create a winning mindset 2.  Map a clear vision 3.  Communicate effectively through your CV, online profiles and interviews 4.  Create a strategy for both the public and hidden job markets 5.  Teach you how to network strategically Course Highlights Only 2% of applicants are interviewed, yet up to 80% of all hires are Word of Mouth. This Holistic Job Search strategy empowers you to:  1.       Create a winning mindset 2.       Map a clear vision 3.       Communicate effectively through your CV, online profiles and interviews 4.       Create a strategy for both the public and hidden job markets 5.    Teach you how to network strategically Who Should Enrol Students, graduates, or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time. Course Content The following modules are cover Mindset for the Job Search - Change your thought patterns by learning new mindset strategies for the job search and for life.The recruitment System - Knowing how the odds are stacked at the outset gives you a stronger chance at success.Elevator Pitch - How we introduce ourselves often determines whether we get given further airtime.  Create a CV - When you embark on the world of work for the first time, you’ll need a CV, but how do you draw one up if you’ve got no experience? Ace the Interview - Learn how to answer typical interview questions and how to sell yourself without sounding arrogant. LinkedIn for beginners - Create a profile and learn to engage effectively with your network in order to access the hidden job market. Strategy for the public job market - Only 2% of all applicants are interviewed - you need a strategy to maximise every application and increase those odds. Strategy for the hidden job market – Up to 80% of all hires are word of mouth – unpack an effective strategy in order to pave the way for the offer of your dreams. Networking - Expand your understanding of networking and access a multitude of different tools and resources to create and nurture strong relationships.  Learning Outcomes Change your thought patterns by learning new mindset strategies for the job search and for life. Understand how the recruitment System works and how to leverage it more effectively in your job search. Learn how to communicate who you are, what your value add is and where you are going. Create a winning CV Ace the InterviewCreate a LinkedIn profile and learn to engage effectively with your network in order to access the hidden job market. Learn how to maximise applications Create a strategy to target the company of your choice Be empowered in your ability to build a network and engage with them 

10 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
2 Enrolled

Introduction Success is 80% psychology and 20% strategy. Learn how to shift your mindset and create success in all that you do, not just your job search.  Who Should Enrol Students, graduates, or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time.  Course Content ·        Definition of Mindset  ·        Tools ·        Resources  ·        Success Principles  ·        Rejection Strategy Course Highlights Knowing what mindset is and changing your mindset are two vastly different things. In this module, we not only define mindset and the need to change it but provide practical tools and resources that can be implemented immediately.    Learning Outcomes ·        Learn what Mindset is and isn’t ·        Start understanding the need to evaluate and change your belief systems ·        Get access to some starter tools and resources for shifting your mindset ·        Learn the success principles for life  ·        Create your own Rejection Strategy 

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
1 Enrolled

Introduction In order to succeed in any given system, it’s important we understand how that system works. The best way to think of this is the South African K53 driving system. In order to obtain a driver's license, we need to conform to a particular style of driving. The same is true with the job search.  Who Should Enrol Students, graduates or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time.  Course Highlights Insight into people and the technology involved in the recruitment process is a game-changer. Once we understand this, we show up differently in the job market, and ultimately ensure a better response. Learning Outcomes ·       Understand how companies recruit and how Line Managers think ·       Gain insight into the 3 key stakeholders in the recruitment value chain ·       Understand the technology used in recruitment ·       Become better equipped to manage applications and conversations through this knowledge Course Content ·        The recruitment system explained  ·        Integration into a holistic job search strategy  ·        How a typical Line Manager recruits  ·        The stakeholders in the value chain  ·        The technology  ·        LinkedIn 

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023

Introduction Become clear on:  ·       Who you are  ·       What your value add is  ·       Where you’re going  ·       And combine this into a succinct pitch that can be used in calls, in interviews, on your CV and LinkedIn and a variety of other applications. Who Should Enrol Students, graduates, or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time. Course Content ·       Introduction to the Elevator Pitch  ·       The importance of a holistic job search ·       Completing the Way exercise  ·       Distilling your elevator pitch and headline  ·       The applications of your elevator pitch  Course Highlights First impressions count – make yours a GREAT and MEMORABLE one!  Learning Outcomes ·        Learn what an elevator pitch is and the importance of it ·        Create your own elevator pitch ·        Create your headline ·        Use this in various communication applications 

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
2 Enrolled

Introduction When you embark on the world of work for the first time, you’ll need a CV, but how do you draw one up if you’ve got no experience? Who Should Enrol Students, graduates or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time. Course Content ·       Purpose of CV   ·       Strengths assessment   ·       How to quantify strengths and skills   ·       Create your CV (templates included)   ·       Cover letters – how to personalize every application  Course Highlights Job search and indeed the job market has changed significantly in recent years. Our youth are being taught how to construct CVs using methods that don’t work anymore – the focus needs to be on outcomes, and this course will teach you how to quantify your outcomes, even without work experience. Learning Outcomes ·       Understand the purpose of your CV   

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
2 Enrolled

Introduction Most interview questions can be prepared upfront in order to eliminate nerves during the interview and contribute to an overall positive experience, for you and the interviewer. Let’s be honest – you want the offer don’t you? Well then, you need to know how to handle typical interview questions and this module will give you exactly that.  Who Should Enrol  Students, graduates or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time Course Content Purpose of and psychology behind interview questions  How to answer the “Tell me about yourself” questions Handling strengths and weaknesses  Behavioral / Competency interview questions  The WHY question  Handling salary questions  Assessments  Preparing for interviews Course Highlights Many people think they can “wing” interviews; understanding the psychology behind typical questions, as well as the formulaic approach for answering them can be a game-changer, and will get you closer to being offered the position of your dreams.  

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
1 Enrolled

Introduction  Become clear on:   ·        Who you are   ·        What your value add is   ·        Where you’re going   And combine this into a succinct pitch that can be used in calls, in interviews, on your CV and LinkedIn and a variety of other applications.  Who Should Enrol  Students, graduates, or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time.  Course Content  ·        Introduction to the Elevator Pitch   ·        The importance of a holistic job search  ·        Completing the Way exercise   ·        Distilling your elevator pitch and headline   ·        The applications of your elevator pitch   Course Highlights  First impressions count – make yours a GREAT and MEMORABLE one!   Learning Outcomes  ·        Learn what an elevator pitch is and the importance of it  ·        Create your own elevator pitch  ·        Create your headline  ·        Use this in various communication applications  

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
1 Enrolled

Introduction Only 2% of all applicants are interviewed compared with up to 80% of all hires being word of mouth. This means that if you are going to be applying for advertised vacancies, you need a strategy to maximise every application and increase that 2% chance.  Who Should Enrol Students, graduates, or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time.  Course Content Understanding how vacancies are advertised   Create a system for yourself  Seven step strategy to maximize your applications   Dealing with Ghosting   5 FAQ’s   Course Highlights In order to succeed in a job search, you need to actually DO something differently – not increase your number of applications. This strategy is going to teach you exactly how to do that. Learning Outcomes Understand how vacancies are advertised   Implement a 7-step strategy to maximize your chances of success  Become better equipped to deal with ghosting   Become more authoritative in your job search 

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
1 Enrolled

Introduction Only 2% of all applicants are interviewed compared with up to 80% of all hires being word of mouth. The hidden job market is a vast untapped resource that needs an effective strategy in order to pave the way for the offer of your dreams. Who Should Enrol Students, graduates, or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time.  Course Content Understanding the Hidden Job Market  7 step strategy to access the Hidden Job Market  Crazy Ideas you can explore  Course Highlights Up to 80% of ALL hires come about via word of mouth. You have to adopt a hidden job market and networking strategy in conjunction with your applications in order to succeed in a highly competitive hiring environment.  Learning Outcomes Learn what the hidden job market is all about Implement a 7 point strategy for success  

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
1 Enrolled

Introduction Expand your understanding of networking, and access a multitude of different tools and resources to create and nurture strong relationships. Who Should Enrol Students, graduates, or school leavers who are entering the World of Work for the first time. Course Content ·       Definition of Networking  ·       The attitude of successful networkers  ·       Amplifying your existing network ·       Events  ·       Making networking a lifestyle Course Highlights When you truly know what networking is, you are able to amplify every single contact you have in your life to bring you closer to your purpose.

3 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
3 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Time Management courses available in this series that focus on efficiency, effectiveness, goal setting, hidden time identification and how to maximize your productivity. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

7 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
7 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Stress Management courses available in this series that focus on stress for success, stress management techniques, resiliency, balancing home and career, preventing job burnout. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
4 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Service Attitude courses available in this series that focus on getting and giving help, mentoring peers, coaching peers, customer experience and managing customer expectations. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
2 Enrolled

We have five Rewards and Recognition courses available in this series that focus on giving rewards and recognition, self-appreciation, appreciative inquiry, customer appreciation and empowered compliments. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
3 Enrolled

We have five Responsible Initiative courses available in this series that focus on personal leadership, initiative for responsible results, achieving results with others, personal accountability, overcoming obstacles. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
3 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Building Referrals courses available in this series that focus on psychology of building referrals, how to ask for referrals, quick-results referral techniques, strategic referral techniques, networking your way to the top. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Questioning courses available in this series that focus on introduction to STēR questions, pinpointing needs, finding problems, building needs, questions that sell for you. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

5 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Qualifying courses available in this series that focus on the “big five” qualifiers, categorizing/organizing leads, buying influencers, sales funnel stages for advancing, developing buying interest. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Prospecting courses available in this series that focus on psychology of prospecting, prospecting campaigns, telephone/voice mail return, warm call referral prospecting, dealing with indifference. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Project Management courses available in this series that focus on an introduction to project management, project definition, project planning, project implementation and project closure. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

5 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
4 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Product Knowledge courses available in this series that focus on product & procedural knowledge, competitive knowledge, building credibility, developing expertise, industry trend resource. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Problem Solving courses available in this series that focus on early problem recognition, four stages of creative problem solving, how to define problems accurately, confident decision making and crisis resolution. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Presentation/Recommending courses available in this series that focus on planning persuasive presentations, preparing presentations that sell, practicing for perfect delivery, presenting with impact, avoiding mistakes and anxiety. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Resolving Objections and Concerns courses available in this series that focus psychology objections & concerns, preventing objections & concerns, steps for handling objections, resolving objections scripts, resolving concerns in large sales. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Negotiation Skills courses available in this series that focus on intro to negotiation and strategy, planning effective negotiations, opening win-win discussions, exploring win-win alternatives, reaching agreement and tactics. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have six Influence courses available in this series that focus on appropriate use of power, influence techniques, how to get others to follow your lead, win-win negotiations, maximizing your core influence and preventing group think. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment

9 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled

We have five Giving and Getting Help courses available in this series that focus on getting the right help, mentoring peers, coaching peers, customer experience management, managing customer expectations. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Follow Through courses available in this series that focus on upselling opportunities, preventing buyer’s remorse, email etiquette follow through, customer feedback and satisfaction, keeping customers for life. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled

We have five Leadership Expertise/Employee Retention courses available in this series that focus on depth and breadth of knowledge, Confidence in any situation, credibility, how to hire the right talent and retaining the right talent. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Ethics courses available in this series that focus on introduction to ethics, employee ethical responsibilities, ethical dilemma decision-making, ethical problem-solving, leading ethical conduct. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

5 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
3 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Difficult Situations courses available in this series that focus on calming upset/irate customers, difficult customers, call escalation, handling complaints, delivering bad news. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
3 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Critical Thinking courses available in this series that focus on introduction to critical thinking, managing deception and fallacies, persuasive arguments, checklists for rational decisions, optimal understanding and explanations. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

5 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Contact Management courses available in this series that focus on customer relationship management, sales force automation, CRM implementation, customer experience management, managing customer expectations. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

5 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled

We have five Coaching and Mentoring courses available in this series that focus on getting and giving help, mentoring peers, coaching peers, self-coaching and receiving feedback. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Confirming/Closing courses available in this series that focus on psychology of confirming sales, how to ask for the business, increasing closing ratios, confirming different buyer styles, getting to yes. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment

6 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Change Management courses available in this series that focus on understanding change, how to initiate and lead change, stages of change transitions, the best way to communicate through change transitions and leading non-stop change. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Career Development courses available in this series that focus on overcoming workplace barriers, assertiveness skills, productive meetings in half the time, conflict management and moving up the corporate ladder. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled

We have five Building Rapport courses available in this series that focus on greetings and introductions, business etiquette and customer care, building trust and respect, confidence in any situation, building positive relationships. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

6 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled
Soft Skills

We have five Listening courses available in this series that focus on authentic listening, increasing concentration, building curiosity, gaining clarity, critical listening. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own scenario and environment.

5 Lessons
Updated: Aug 2023
2 Enrolled

Inleiding tot die Landbouwetenskappe Graad 12 Video Kursus Welkom by 'n innoverende onderwysbron wat ontwerp is om Graad 12 Landbouwetenskappe onderwysers te bemagtig. Hierdie kursus is ontwikkel deur My Life Group Holdings en bied 'n dinamiese platform wat gemik is op die bevordering van die onderrig van landbouwetenskappe, met 'n spesiale fokus op die rooivleisbedryf.My Life Group Holdings, 'n maatskappy wat daartoe verbind is om die narratief en denkwyse van Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers te hervorm, beoog om strategieë te skep wat die landbousektor stimuleer en leerders inspireer om loopbane in landbou na te streef. As ‘n trotse verskaffer van die Suid-Afrikaanse landboubestek vir opleiding en loopbaanbegeleiding, het My Life Group Holdings in vennootskap met SAGRITEX, 'n omvattende hulpmiddel wat bedryfs-spesifieke materiaal met klaskameronderrig verbind, hierdie dinamiese onderwyskursus vir jou gebring. Hierdie kursus is spesifiek ontwerp vir Landbouwetenskappe onderwysers en leerders, wat 'n CAPS-gekoppelde, betrokkenheidstimulerende program bied wat 234 video-lesse, jaarlikse oorsigte, fassinerende feite en eksamenfokus vrae insluit om leer en voorbereiding te bevorder. Met inhoud wat deur ervare Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers vir Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers en leerders geskep is, bied hierdie platform 'n onmisbare bron om landbouwetenskappe lewendig te maak in die klaskamer en die teorie met werklike bedryfspraktyke te verbind. Of jy nou op soek is na maniere om jou onderrigmetodes te verfris of multimedia in jou lesse in te sluit, is hierdie kursus ontwerp om beide onderwysers en jou leerders te inspireer, terwyl dit die begrip van Suid-Afrika se landbousektor bevorder. Teikengehoor Onderwysers in die vakgebiede: Landbouwetenskap Graad 12  

178 Lessons
Updated: Dec 2024
55 Enrolled

Introduction to the Agricultural Sciences Grade 12 Video Course Welcome to an innovative educational resource designed to empower Grade 12 Agricultural Sciences educators. Developed by My Life Group Holdings, this course offers a dynamic platform to enhance the teaching of agricultural sciences, with a special focus on the red meat sector. My Life Group Holdings, a company committed to reshaping the narrative and mindset of South African educators, envisions creating strategies that stimulate the agricultural industry and inspire students to pursue careers in agriculture. As a proud provider of the South African agricultural version of training and career guidance, My Life Group Holdings partnered with SAGRITEX, a comprehensive tool that connects industry-specific material with classroom teaching, to bring you this dynamic educational course. This course is specifically tailored for Agricultural Science educators, offering a CAPS-aligned, engaging program that includes 234 video lessons, annual overviews, fascinating facts, and exam-focused questions to boost learning and preparation. With content created by experienced South African educators for South African teachers and learners, this platform provides an invaluable resource to bring agricultural sciences to life in the classroom and to connect theory with real-world industry practices. Whether you're looking to refresh your teaching methods or integrate multimedia into your lessons, this course is designed to inspire both teachers and learners while advancing the understanding of South Africa’s agricultural industry. Target Audience Teachers in the field of: Agricultural Science Grade 12

177 Lessons
Updated: Dec 2024
409 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. An understanding of basic nutrition requirements is essential as proper nutrition of beef cattle is vital for sustainable and successful production.   Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices Course Content Finishing weaners in a feedlot 1 Finishing weaners in a feedlot 2 Finishing weaners in a feedlot 3 First calve heifers Heifer nutrition 1 Heifer nutrition 2 Heifer nutrition 3 Nutrition of Cows Types of Feed (Crop Remains) Types of Feed (Cultivated pastures) Types of Feed (Dry Material, Fibre) Types of Feed (Dry Roughage) Types of Feed (Energy 1) Types of Feed (Energy 2) Types of Feed (Gracing) Types of Feed (Natural Pastures) Types of Feed (Natural proteins) Types of Feed (Silage) Types of Feed (Sour Veld) Types of Feed (Straw and Chaff) Water Intake Water Requirements Water Supply Weaner feed requirements for the market 1 Weaner feed requirements for the market 2 Weaner feed requirements for the market 3 Weaner Nutritional Feed Requirements

9 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
37 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. The implementation of a sound beef management system is essential for sustainable beef production. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices Course Content Age determination Age of your animals Body Condition Scoring Bull selection Bull testing Buying a bull  Castration 1 Castration 2 Composition of the herd Cow factors Culling Dehorning Extensive vs Intensive farming Fertility of bulls and cows Handling facilities – the crush Identification and branding Identification Marketing 1 Marketing 2 Marketing 3 Marketing 4 Non pregnant cows Phenotype-based selection Replacement heifers 1 Replacement heifers 2 Selecting a bull Physical Traits Selecting a bull and cow Selection Weaner Production (Weaning Weight) Weaner Production (Management Actions) Weaner Production (Weaning of Calves) Weaner Production (Weaning Index) Weaner Production (Heifer and Bull Calves) Weaning Mass 1 - Importance Weaning Mass 2 - Contributing factors Weaning of Calves

15 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
39 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.Artificial insemination is commonly used instead of natural mating depending on farming enterprise circumstancesWho Should EnrollAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Al (Advantages and Disadvantages)Al (Semen Collection)Al (Semen Processing)Al (In Practice)Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of the role played by Artificial Insemination in beef and dairy production including the following:Practical aspectsAdvantages and disadvantagesSemen collectionSemen processing

4 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
1k Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.Establish a sound health programme. Vaccines and medicines, with improved production practices including advanced techniques and devices will assist with the prevention of diseases and optimizing the efficiency of feed-to-meat conversion.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Animal ExaminationAnthraxAntibiotics 1 (Herd Health Programme)Antibiotics 2 (Product Storage)Biosecurity (Management Practices)Biosecurity strategiesBiosecurityBovine TuberculosisBovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)Calf DiarrhoeaCalf health 1Calf health 2 (Colostrum Immunity)Clinical EvaluationClostridial diseaseDiagnosing Preventing liver FlukesDippingExternal Parasites (Immunisation 1)External Parasites (Immunisation 2)External Parasites (Immunisation 3)External Parasites 1Fertility BullsFertility Cows Gall SicknessHerd Health (Calves Feedlot)Herd Health (Young Calves)Immunisation 1Immunisation 2Immunisation 3Immunisation processInfectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)Internal Parasites (Clostridial Disease 1) Internal Parasites (Clostridial Disease 2)Internal Parasites (Liver fluke 1)Internal Parasites (Liver fluke 2)Internal Parasites (Roundworm 1)Internal Parasites (Roundworm 2)Lumpy Skin Disease Parasite management Practical Tick ControlRed waterRespiratory disease 1Respiratory Disease 2Rift Valley feverThree Day Stiffness DiseaseVaccination Administration 1Vaccination Administration 2Vaccination Management 1Vaccination Management 2Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of the importance of having a healthy herd including the following aspects:The role and importance of biosecurityHow to identify and treat external parasitesHow to identify and treat internal parasitesThe importance of an effective immunization programmeAll of this to underline the effect on effective and sustainable beef production

14 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
1k Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. The implementation of a sound beef management system is essential for sustainable beef production.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignOnline Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming PracticesCourse ContentAge determinationAge of your animalsBody Condition ScoringBull selectionBull testingBuying a bull Castration 1Castration 2Composition of the herdCow factorsCullingDehorningExtensive vs Intensive farmingFertility of bulls and cowsHandling facilities – the crushIdentification and brandingIdentificationMarketing 1Marketing 2Marketing 3Marketing 4Non pregnant cowsPhenotype-based selectionReplacement heifers 1Replacement heifers 2Selecting a bull Physical TraitsSelecting a bull and cowSelectionWeaner Production (Weaning Weight)Weaner Production (Management Actions)Weaner Production (Weaning of Calves)Weaner Production (Weaning Index)Weaner Production (Heifer and Bull Calves)Weaning Mass 1 - ImportanceWeaning Mass 2 - Contributing factorsWeaning of Calves

13 Lessons
Updated: Mar 2024
1k Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. An understanding of basic nutrition requirements is essential as proper nutrition of beef cattle is vital for sustainable and successful production. Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignOnline Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming PracticesCourse ContentFinishing weaners in a feedlot 1Finishing weaners in a feedlot 2Finishing weaners in a feedlot 3First calve heifersHeifer nutrition 1Heifer nutrition 2Heifer nutrition 3Nutrition of CowsTypes of Feed (Crop Remains)Types of Feed (Cultivated pastures)Types of Feed (Dry Material, Fibre)Types of Feed (Dry Roughage)Types of Feed (Energy 1)Types of Feed (Energy 2)Types of Feed (Gracing)Types of Feed (Natural Pastures)Types of Feed (Natural proteins)Types of Feed (Silage)Types of Feed (Sour Veld)Types of Feed (Straw and Chaff)Water IntakeWater RequirementsWater SupplyWeaner feed requirements for the market 1Weaner feed requirements for the market 2Weaner feed requirements for the market 3Weaner Nutritional Feed Requirements

9 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
1k Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.Establish a sound health programme. Vaccines and medicines, with improved production practices including advanced techniques and devices, will assist with the prevention of diseases and optimising the efficiency of feed-to-meat conversion.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Body Organs & SystemsDisease a ProcessPreventing DiseasesObserving Animals for DiseaseFirst Signs of DiseaseExamining for DiseaseTaking Body TemperatureCommon DiseasesCattle DiseasesRed Wat in CattleExternal Parasite TreatmentsApplying a DipRemediesCorrect Remedy ApplicationsDosing of AnimalsSheep DiseasesZoonisis DiseasesCalvingVeterinarian - Farmer RelationshipsGeneral SafetyAgrochemical StorageAgrochemical Application PrinciplesLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects surrounding the safe handling of agrochemicals including the following:Body OrgansPreventing DiseasesObserving Animals for DiseaseExamining for DiseaseTaking body TemperatureCommon DiseasesExternal Parasite TreatmentsApplying a DipCorrect Remedy ApplicationsDosing of Animals

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023
995 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. Establish a sound health programme. Vaccines and medicines, with improved production practices including advanced techniques and devices, will assist with the prevention of diseases and optimising the efficiency of feed-to-meat conversion. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and improve knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Breeds Beefmaster Braunvieh Drakensberger Hereford Nguni Tuli  Learning Outcomes On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:  Have a better understanding of the different cattle breeds, including the following: Beefmaster Braunvieh Drakensberger Hereford Nguni Tuli

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
886 Enrolled

IntroductionMokgwa wa go bona di-audio-visual o ikaeletse go tshegetsa le go maatlafatsa batho ba ba amegang mo lephateng la temothuo go tlhalosa, go rotloetsa le go tsaya beng ka botlalo jwa tlhabololo ya bona, ka gonne go ithuta ke tirego e e telele ya botshelo. Tlhabololo ya bokgoni ke mokgweetsi yo o botlhokwa wa tlhabololo ya ikonomi ya loago. Go nna le seabe mo maitekong a tlhabololo ya temothuo go botlhokwa thata go netefatsa gore go nna le seabe le go nna le seabe mo go nneng teng ga didiriswa. Lephata la temothuo le na le seabe se segolo mo ikonoming ya temothuo. Beng ba leruo ba ba rutegileng, ba ba matlhagatlhaga ba ba tlhaloganyang temothuo le mekgwa e e amanang le yona go fokotsa dikotsi tsa bona, di botlhokwa mo temothuong e e tswelelang ya leruo mme ba tla nna le seabe se se botlhokwa mo go tshegetseng le go tokafatsa temothuo e e tswelelang le tshireletsego ya dijo. Create a Healthy Health Program. Meento le meriana, ka mekgwa e e tokafaditsweng ya tlhagiso go akaretsa dithekeniki tse di tsweletseng le didiriswa di tla thusa ka thibelo ya malwetse le go tokafatsa bokgoni jwa go fetolwa ga dijo le nama.Who Should EnrolMongwe le mongwe yo o amegang mo lephateng la temothuo.Course DesignTsela e nngwe ya go tokafatsa temothuo ya temothuo ke go dira dithulaganyo tse di mosola tsa thuto ya temothuo. Tsela e e nonofileng ya go dira seno ke ka go dirisa dimojule tsa pono ya modumo e e leng mokgwa o o nonofileng thata le o o tlhatlhobilweng go atamela, go tlhatlhoba le go fetisa kitso. Se ke motseletsele wa dimojule tse di latelang kgato ka kgato mme di ka dirisiwa mo katisong ya setlhopha kgotsa thuto ya boikgapo - mme di rulagantswe go ya ka dikaelo tsa katiso ya pono. Se se raya gore bontsi jwa mafoko a a dirisiwang le fa go tlhokega, a tshegetsa puo e e nang le ditshwantsho le boitseanape go tokafatsa thulaganyo ya go ithuta le go netefatsa gore kitso e e tswelelang e bonwa mo thulaganyong ya go ithuta. Online Paise Kamane Ke Tarike Paise Kamane Ke Best Tarike.Course ContentSetlhogo seno se akaretsa dithlogo tse di latelang:Prevalent DiseasesTick-Borne DiseasesHeartwaterRed WaterGall SicknessLumpy Skin DiseaseThree-day Stiff SicknessBiosecurity 1Biosecurity 2Foot Rot 1Foot Rot 2Learning OutcomesFa go konosediwa bidio eno, batlhophi ba tla kgona go: Go nna le kitso e e botoka ya botlhokwa jwa go nna le setitedi se se itekanetseng go akaretsa dintlha tse di latelang: Prevalent DiseasesTick-Borne DiseasesHeartwaterRed WaterGall SicknessLumpy Skin DiseaseThree-day Stiff SicknessBiosecurity 1Biosecurity 2Foot Rot 1Foot Rot 2

6 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
49 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Vestig 'n effektiewe gesondheidsprogram. Entstowwe en medisyne, met verbeterde produksiepraktyke, insluitend gevorderde tegnieke en toestelle, sal help met die voorkoming van siektes en die optimalisering van die doeltreffendheid van voer-na-vleis-omskakeling.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbouKursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:Bouvorm vanBulleKoeieLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van 'n gesonde beesvleisbestuurstelsel kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte:Bouvorm van Bulle en Koeie

7 Lessons
Updated: Apr 2024
127 Enrolled

Kursus Inleiding Oudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is. Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker. Vestig 'n effektiewe gesondheidsprogram. Entstowwe en medisyne, met verbeterde produksiepraktyke, insluitend gevorderde tegnieke en toestelle, sal help met die voorkoming van siektes en die optimalisering van die doeltreffendheid van voer-na-vleis-omskakeling. Teikengehoor Alle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou Kursus Ontwerp ’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra. Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word. Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun. Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun. Kursusinhoud Hierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe: Biosekuriteit Risiko Kwarantyn periode Kudfde immuniteit Toepassing van biosekuriteit Immunisasie Stelsel Skedule Program Inenting Poot probleme Reproduksie Genetika Stress Leeruitkomste Na voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van 'n gesonde melkkudde kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte: Biosekuriteit Immunisasie Reproduksie Genetika Stress

7 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2025
111 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.'n Begrip van basiese voedingsvereistes is noodsaaklik aangesien behoorlike voeding van vleisbeeste noodsaaklik is vir volhoubare en suksesvolle produksie.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbouKursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:RantsoenFormuleringBalanseringSamestellingLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van 'n gesonde beesvleisbestuurstelsel kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte:Rantsoen FormuleringRantsoen BalanseringRantsoen Samestelling

4 Lessons
Updated: Apr 2024
128 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Vestig 'n effektiewe gesondheidsprogram. Entstowwe en medisyne, met verbeterde produksiepraktyke, insluitend gevorderde tegnieke en toestelle, sal help met die voorkoming van siektes en die optimalisering van die doeltreffendheid van voer-na-vleis-omskakeling.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbouKursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:RasseSimmentalerRomagnolaNguniBrafordBohranAberdeen AngusLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van 'n aantal vleisbees rasse kan hê, insluitend die volgende:SimmentalerRomagnolaNguniBrafordBohranAberdeen Angus

4 Lessons
Updated: Feb 2024
86 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.Establish a sound health programme. Vaccines and medicines, with improved production practices including advanced techniques and devices will assist with the prevention of diseases and optimizing the efficiency of feed-to-milk conversion.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.Establish a sound health programme. Vaccines and medicines, with improved production practices including advanced techniques and devices will assist with the prevention of diseases and optimizing the efficiency of feed-to-milk conversion.Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of the importance of having a healthy dairy herd including the following aspects:The role and importance of biosecurityHow to identify and treat internal parasitesThe importance of an effective immunization programmeIdentify pregnanciesThe reproductive systemIdentify and treat reproductive problemsTreatment of calves and the effect on effective and sustainable dairy production.

16 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
954 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.The implementation of a sound dairy management system is essential for sustainable dairy production.Who Should EnrollAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Behavioural PatternsCalving SeasonDairy productsDairy product managementDairy Quality FacilitiesFeeding Areas and TypeHandling Facilities 1Handling facilitiesHandling of AnimalsMature Body weight (first Calf)Mature Body weight (Second Calf)Milking SystemsTransportationLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of the important aspects of dairy herd management to ensure sustainable milk production including the following:Dairy products and qualityProduct managementFacilitiesHandling of the animalsMilking systemsThe importance of mature body weight and calving

8 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
940 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.An understanding of basic nutrition requirements is essential as proper nutrition of dairy cattle is vital for sustainable and successful production. Who Should EnrollAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the termnology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Anionic salts 1Anionic salts 2Calcium and Phosphorus needsClassification of FeedsClassification of FeedstuffsDairy Productive SystemsDigestive system 1Digestive system 2Digestive system 3Digestive system 4Digestive system 5Digestive system 6Digestive system 7Digestive system 8Dry cow feeding period ADry cow feeding period Dry forages & roughagesDrying off period 1Drying off period 2Early Lactation PeriodFeed classificationFeeding of the dairy herdFibre FractionsForage qualityLactation PhasesLife Cycle (Birth of a Calf)Mature Body WeightMetabolic problemsMicrobial proteinMixed rations 1Mixed rations 2Nutrient Content of foragesNutrients CarbohydratesNutrients ConcentratesNutrients proteinNutrients 1Nutrients 2Nutrients 3Nutrition IntroductionNutrient Requirements during the Lactation cyclePasture systemPeak lactation Phase 1Peak lactation Phase 2Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of the important aspects of dairy herd nutrition requirements to ensure sustainable dairy production including the following:The digestive systemThe different production systemsFeed classificationThe types of feedThe different nutritional requirements

14 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
952 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is. Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker. Vestig 'n effektiewe gesondheidsprogram. Entstowwe en medisyne, met verbeterde produksiepraktyke, insluitend gevorderde tegnieke en toestelle, sal help met die voorkoming van siektes en die optimalisering van die doeltreffendheid van voer-na-melk-omskakeling.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou.Kursusontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra. Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word. Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpeBehandelings ProtokolleDragtiheidAkkurate bepaling van dragtigheidPlasenta RetensieKwaliteits Beheer ProgramToediening van MiddelsKorrekte Ettiketering van MiddelsToets van RemstowweLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van 'n gesonde melkkudde kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte: Behandelings ProtokolleKwaliteits Beheer ProgramToediening van MiddelsToets van RemstoweToediening van Middels

6 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023
32 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. Implementing a sound management, health and nutrition programme is essential for sustainable pig production. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.  Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Pig industry in SA Requirements Start-up Production process Housing Furrowing house Grower house Sow combinations Management of the breeding herd Feeds The right animals to use Biosecurity Financial costs Diseases Principles of vaccination General treatment principles Viral diseases Bacterial diseases Internal parasites Zoonoses Diseases of adult animals Markets Consumer aspects Learning Outcomes On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of the important aspects of pig farming to ensure sustainable pork production including the following: The production processes Housing requirements Management Nutrition Health and biosecurity Markets

8 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
980 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Financial management is essential to enable a farmer to study optimal functions. We work in a rapidly changing environment and it requires a lot of input, especially from the production side. A farmer faces day-to-day challenges and in the changing environment, his focus is greatly diversified. Who Should Enroll All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Introduction Demand Adaptability / Hardness Ram Selection Fertility / Sexual Maturity Pregnant ewe feeding requirements Natural Pasture Requirements Creep Feeding Weaning Market and ID Learning Outcomes On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of farming with Boer Goats including the following aspects: the main functions of financial management including the following: Demand Ram Selection and Fertility Feeding

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
991 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Dairy goat production is an alternative livestock enterprise suitable for many small-scale or part-time livestock operations. Goats, for the most part, are a hardy species that require only basic necessities to survive and produce a quality product.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IntroductionManagementNutritional RequirementsHealthHygiene AspectsHandling of the milkFertility ManagementFeeding AspectsYoung Goat FeedingLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Milk Goat Production including the following:ManagementNutritional RequirementsHealthHygiene AspectsHandling of the milkFertility ManagementFeeding AspectsFeeding the young goatsMilk Goat OperationFurthermore get to know some of the breeds likeAlphineToggenbergSaanenHandling of Milk

6 Lessons
Updated: Dec 2023
837 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture. Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Sheep Farming Introduction Pasture Systems Sheep Diseases Learning Outcomes   On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of sheep farming including the following: Sheep Farming Introduction Sheep Pastures Systems Sheep Diseases

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
35 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Verskillende skaaprasse produseer optimal onder verskillende toestande. Sommige word hoofsaaklik aangewend vir vleisproduksie terwyl anderdubbeldoel rasse vleis en wol produseer.Die implementering van 'n gesonde skaap produksie bestuurstelsel is noodsaaklik vir volhoubare skaapvleisproduksie.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou.Kursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:Skaap RasseAfrinoDamaraDohne MerinoDorperSkaap BoerderyHantering van SkapeHanteringsfasiliteiteLam VoerkraleOrganiese Skaap ProduksieLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van Skaap Boerdery en verskillende rasse kan hê, inslutend die volgende aspekte:Skaap RasseAfrinoDamaraDohne MerinoDorperSkaap BoerderyHantering van SkapeHanteringsfasiliteiteLam VoerkraleOrganiese Skaap Produksie

5 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
8 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. The implementation of a sound management, health and nutrition programme is essential for sustainable small stock farming.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Boer goatsMilk goatsSheep Angora goats Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of  the important aspects of small stock farming including the following:Boer goatsMilk goatsSheep Angora goats

7 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
9 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The poultry sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic farmers who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable poultry farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.The implementation of a sound management, health and nutrition programme is essential for sustainable poultry production.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Introduction and marketingHousingSystemsManagementIdeal conditionsDiseases and vaccinationsLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of the important aspects of poultry production including the following:Site selection and housingManagementVentilationHeating systemsFeeds and nutritionWater requirementsBiosecurity and healthMarketing

10 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
968 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Biosekuriteit word gesien as een van die eerste verdedigingsmeganismes teen pluimvee siektes. Dit behels verskeie voorsorgmaatreëls om voëls te beskerm teen kontak met siekte draende bakterieë, die draers kan enige iets wees van mense tot ander diere, voeding en selfs plaasimplemente.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou.Kursusontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:PraktykeProgrammePlaasuitlegVoetbadWaterbronneLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van Pluimvee Biosekuriteit kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte: PraktykeProgrammePlaasuitlegVoetbadWaterbronne

4 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
31 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. The poultry sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic farmers who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable poultry farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. The implementation of a sound management, health, and nutrition programme is essential for sustainable egg production. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture. Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Markets and Customer Needs Production Phases Collection and Packaging Temperature and Shelf Life Learning Outcomes   On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of egg production including the important aspects of small stock farming including the following: Markets and Customer Needs Production Phases Collection and Packaging Temperature and Shelf Life

5 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
33 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The planning and planting of new citrus orchards and maintaining records of individual orchards over their life span to assist in managing them in the best possible way.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Introduction to planting managementCitrus Types Cultivars and RootstocksOrchard Layout and PlanningOrchard EstablishmentOrchard RecordkeepingLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Citrus Planting Management including the following:Introduction to Planting ManagementCitrus Types and CultivarsOrchard Layout and PlanningOrchard EstablishmentRecordkeeping

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
885 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The process of growing true-to-type citrus trees produced by certified citrus nurseries as well as applying pruning principles and practices which is an essential production practice.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Plant Structures and FunctionsPropagationRequirementsPracticesRootstocksPruningPrinciplesEquipmentPracticesLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Citrus Plant structures and Functions including the following:General Plant Structures and their FunctionsPropagation Requirements, practicesRootstocks

6 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
872 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Harvesting citrus fruit is the critical step between producing good volumes of quality fruit, and packing those fruit in the packhouse. Picking teams have a big responsibility to maintain the quality of the fruit that has been produced and send it off to the packhouses in the best possible condition, with no injuries or bruises, as clean as possible, and with short, neatly clipped stems.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:HarvestingIntroduction and InstructionsPicking Conditions, TeamsEquipmentPicking Practices, Quality Control, TransportHarvesting PracticesIntroduction, Supervisor, Hygiene, EquipmentPicking PracticesOrchard SanitationLIntroduction, Postharvest DiseasesOrchard Sanitation PracticesLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Citrus Harvesting including the following:Harvesting SupervisionIntroduction and InstructionsPicking conditions, TeamsEquipment Picking Practices, Quality control, TransportHarvesting PracticesIntroduction, Supervisor, Hygiene, EquipmentPicking PracticesOrchard SanitationIntroduction, Postharvest DiseasesOrchard Sanitation Practices

6 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
848 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. Citrus pest management is one of the most dynamic aspects of pre-harvest production of citrus fruit as there are a number of pests that can occur on citrus and that require control measures. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture. A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Who Should EnrolThis course covers the following topics:Pre-Harvest Pest ControlPest MonitoringTripsRed ScaleMealybugFalse Codling MothFruit FlyBollwormBud MiteOther MitesCitrus PsyllaMussel ScaleWaxy ScaleSoft ScaleAustralia BugAphidsLeafhopperCitrus ButterflyCitrus Flower MothLeaf RollerAntsOther PestsWoolly White FlyIrrigationPre-Harvest Blemish AnalysisInterpreting Monitoring ResultsFMC MonitoringLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Citrus IPM including the following:The importance of pre-harvest pest controlPest monitoringThe different pestsThe blemish analysisInterpreting and monitoring the results

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
880 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. In the process of producing and packing citrus fruit, many agrochemicals may be used. It is for that reason that it must be stored and used with safety in mind. How to protect ourselves, others, and the environment when using agrochemicals. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture. Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: General Safety Agrochemical Storage Agrochemical Application Principles Learning Outcomes   On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects surrounding the safe handling of agrochemicals including the following: General Safety Agrochemical Storage Application Principles

4 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2024
879 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Citrus has been exported from South Africa to all over the world. The industry has a long history of growth, innovation, and forward-thinking and is able to supply good quality citrus fruit both to the local and international markets.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics: Background Intro to the SA Citrus Industry Value Chain Citrus Varieties Citrus Markets Export Standards Pre-Season Planning Basic Principles Operation of the Irrigation System Plant Nutrition Yield and Fruit Size Estimates Packhouse Planning Postharvest Pathology Rind Disorders Postharvest Diseases Pre-Harvest Production Practices Orchard Sanitation Pre-Harvest Pest Control Pre-Harvest Production Practices Orchard Sanitation Pre-Harvest Pest Control Harvesting Maturity Indexing Picking Practices Picking Supervision Packhouse Process Packhouse Process Flow Pre-Pack-Line Treatments Drenching Degreening Packhouse Treatments Fruit Washing Systems Packhouse Sanitation Hot Water Fungicide Bath Titration Resistance Management Drying Tunnel Wax Application Packing Sizing Sorting and Grading Packing Material and Specifications Packing Market Specifications Packing Methods Palletisation Palletisation High-Cube vs Standard Marking Inspection Export Shipping Overview Infrastructure Overview Export Shipping Export Shipping Overview Truck Loading Transportation Road Transport Overview Truck Loading Cold Store Cold Store Requirements Cold Storage Handling Cold Store Mechanics Pre-Cooling Shipping Container Loading Vessel Loading Review Cold Chain Review Packhouse Management Safety and Quality Management Commercial Accreditation Systems Traceability Course DesignOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better of some of the important aspects of citrus post-harvest practicesBackgroundPre-Season PlanningPostharvest PathologyPre-Harvest Production PracticesHarvestingPackhouse ProcessPre-Pack-Line TreatmentsPackhouse TreatmentsPackingPalletisationInspectionExport ShippingTransportationCold StoreShippingReviewPackhouse Management

20 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
874 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Citrus packhouses are vital to producing citrus fruit that is marketable, healthy, and ready for transport. The packing process involves many different activities, from washing, de-greening, and treating fruit, to sorting, grading, labeling, wrapping, and packing. This means that there are a lot of people and machinery involved in the process, and there are many places where things can go wrong. Understanding the components, personnel, equipment, and machinery involved throughout the packing process is the first and most important step to owning, supervising, managing, or working in a packhouse efficiently and effectively.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Packhouse OverviewIntroduction, Production and PickingPackhouse Process FlowIntroductionReceiving and Initial ProcessingTreatments and SeparationPackingInspection and TransportGeneral OperationsCitrus Industry Extension ServicesPackhouse Infrastructure and Planning IntroductionPackhouse InfrastructureIntroductionLandAccess RoadsWater Supply Part 1Water Supply Part 2Electricity SupplyConnectivityPackhouse PlanningPlanning Introudction Part 1Planning Introduction Part 2Packhouse Production CapacityPackhouse Site Layout Part 1Packhouse Site Layout Part 2Packhouse Site Layout Part 3Packhouse Production Area Part 1Packhouse Production Area Part 2Packhouse EmploymentPackhouse Automation Part 1Packhouse Automation Part 2ConclusionPackhouse sanitationIntroduction, Spores & Fruit InfectionPre-sorting, Removal of FruitEquipment & Workspace SanitationIntroSanitizing AgentsEquipment & Workspace SanitationCleaning and Sanitising MethodsSchedulingOther Cleaning & Sanitising Procedures, Emergency Cleaning Procedures, Microbiological Laboratory TestingPersonal Hygiene, RecordkeepingReceiving and Initial ProcessIntroduction, ReceivingWeighing, Packhouse Delivery InspectionDrenchDe-greeningPre-sortingFruit Washing – SanitisersFruit Washing – Tip Systems, ConclusionFruit TreatmentsIntroductionFungicidesTreatment SystemsTitration and pH Measurement – Part 1Titration and pH Measurement – Part 2Wax TreatmentFungicide Resistance, Conclusion·Sorting and GradingIntroductionFruit quality factorsExternal Fruit Quality FactorsInternal Fruit Quality Factors - Part 1Internal Fruit Quality Factors – Part 2Sorting Introduction, Sorting StationsSortersGrading Part 1Grading Part 2Sizing, ConclusionPacking PracticesIntroductionPacking Material –Packing Cartons Part 1Packing Cartons Part 2Packing Cartons Part 3Bulk Bins, Fruit Labels (PLUs), Fruit WrappersPallets, Securing SheetsPallet caps, Corner pieces, Packing Material SpecificationsPacking InstructionsFruit Labelling, Packing PracticesPreparationPlace PackingJumble Packing, Weighing CartonsAutomated Packing MachinesIntroductionAutomated Place PackingAutomated Jumble PackingPalletizationIntroductionHigh cube vs. Standard PalletsPallet Stacking PatternsPalletizing StationsPallet Stacking PracticesSecuring PalletsMarking, ConclusionQuality managementQuality Management Part 1Quality Management Part 2Quality Management Part 3Quality Management Part 4Quality Management Part 5Quality Management Part 6Quality Management Part 7Quality Management Part 8LogisticsIntroduction, Shipping methodsThe Logistics ChainRoad TransportCold Stores, Port ServicesShipping, Conclusion Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Citrus Packhouse Process Flow including the following:Packhouse Infrastructure and PlanningPackhouse sanitationReceiving and Initial processFruit TreatmentSorting and GradingPacking PracticesQuality managementLogistics

12 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
852 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The South African tale grape industry is over a century old but remains dynamic in the true sense of constant change. It is through the determined efforts of breeders and intellectual property companies, as well as growers and exporters, who are committed to providing their customers with a premium product, that the introduction of new and improved table grape varieties from local and international breeders, keeps the industry at the forefront of technological advancement and internal competitiveness.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Best plant structuresManipulation ToolsVine DevelopmentWinter PruningSummer ManipulationsGirdlingCrop control bunch prepIrrigationBasic PrinciplesOperation of the Irrigation SystemPlant NutritionIntroductionBasic Nutrition PrinciplesNutrition DeficienciesIPMIntroductionMonitoringPestsDiseasesDisease ManagementVirus DiseasesPhytoplasmasBacterial DiseasesFungal DiseasesLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of table grape production including the following:Plant Structures and Vine DevelopmentPlant Nutritional RequirementsWater and Irrigation RequirementsPestsDiseases 

7 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023
869 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Die Suid-Afrikaanse tafeldruifbedryf is meer as 'n eeu oud, maar bly dinamies in die ware sin van konstante verandering. Dit is deur die vasberade pogings van telers en intellektuele eiendomsmaatskappye, sowel as produsente en uitvoerders, wat daartoe verbind is om hul kliënte van 'n premium produk te voorsien, dat die bekendstelling van nuwe en verbeterde tafeldruifvariëteite van plaaslike en internasionale telers, die industrie aan die voorpunt van tegnologiese vooruitgang en internasionale mededingendheid.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbouKursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:AgtergrondVoor-OesbepalingNa-OespatologieOesPakstoorprosesseInspeksiesUitvoerverskepingVervoerBestuursvereistesLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van 'n aantal vleisbees rasse kan hê, insluitend die volgende:Voor-OesbepalingNa-OespatologieOesPakstoorprosesseInspeksiesUitvoerverskepingVervoerBestuursvereistes

13 Lessons
Updated: Apr 2024
34 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Lietsjies groei goed in die warm, vogtige en rypvrye gebiede van subtropiese streke. Lietsjies groei goed in sanderige grond in die koeler subtropiese gebiede en in kleigrond in warmer gebiede. Goeie besproeiingspraktyke, soos om die grond meer gereeld met klein hoeveelhede water nat te maak, maak hierdie gronde meer geskik.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbouKursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:BlomOptimale blomPakhuis voorbereidingPalletiseringPesteVoortplanting Volwassenheid-indeksPluk Verpakking Vruggroei LeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van Lietsjie Produksie kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte:VoortplantingOptimale BlomPesteVolwassenheid-indeksVruggroeiPlukVerpakkingPakhuis Voorbereiding

11 Lessons
Updated: Feb 2024
12 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Mangobome kan 'n wye verskeidenheid klimaatstoestande verdra - van warm en vogtige tot koel droë klimate. Daarom kan dit oor 'n wye gebied gekweek word. Die temperatuur waaronder mango's suksesvol gekweek kan word wissel van 5°C tot 45°C, maar optimale dagtemperature moet tussen 27°C en 36°C wees.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbouKursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:Bergingsvereistes Voortplanting 1 Blaaspootjies Vrugtevlieg Gal vlieg Oesskattings 1 Volwassenheid-indeks Vruggrootte Oes Palletisering LeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van Mango Produksie kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte:BergingsvereistesVoortplantingPeste en plaeOeskattingsVruggrootteOes en Palletisering

11 Lessons
Updated: Feb 2024
12 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Avokadoboerdery het die afgelope tyd 'n toename in gewildheid getoon as gevolg van die groeiende wêreldwye vraag na hierdie voedsame vrug. Net soos enige ander landboupraktyk is dit egter belangrik om volhoubaarheid te prioritiseer om seker te maak dat avokadoverbouing op die lang termyn lewensvatbaar bly. TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbouKursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:Grondvoorbereiding en risiko-analiseGrondaspekteGrondontledingGrondvoorbereiding en aanpassingsGrondvoorbereiding en besproeiingsbeplanningWaterdreinering en -bestuurWaterbestuur en besproeiingOmgewingsimpakstudieBoordbeplanningBesproeiingsinstallasiePlant van jong bome 1Kwekery - HigiëneKwekery – sterilisasie en sanitasieKwekery – sterilisasie en die groeimediumKwekery – plantmateriaalKwekery - voortplantingstegniekKwekery – kloningsprosesKwekery – EntingKwekery – versorging van jong planteOesskatting – plantbestuurOesskattings - BelangrikheidVrugrypheidVrugkwaliteitOes LeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die belangrikheid van Avokado Produksie hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte:BergingsvereistesVoortplantingPeste en plaeOeskattingsVruggrootteOes en Palletisering

12 Lessons
Updated: Feb 2024
11 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Overall, macadamia nut farming is a high-profit potential crop due to its long lifespan, high-value crop status, and increasing demand. While it requires a significant investment, the potential for high returns makes it an attractive investment opportunity for farmers.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:SA Macadamia IndustryMacadamia PropagationFlower FeedingCultivar and YieldYield 2Yield 3Yield 4Crop EstimateHarvest Process and StorageReturns and Kernel RecoveryKernel Recovery 2Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of basic macadamia production including the following: PropagationCultivar and yieldCrop estimateHarvest process and storageReturns and kernel recovery

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023
860 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Integrated pest management is one of the most dynamic aspects of pre-harvest production of fruit and vegetables as there are several pests that can occur and that require control measures.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Integrated Pest Management for:CitrusTable GrapesPomegranatesStone FruitVegetablesLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of IPM Citrus, Table Grapes, Pomegranates, Stone Fruit, and Vegetables.

7 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
789 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Fruit drying is a method used for a long time to extend the life of the fruit. Bacteria, yeast, and mould cannot grow and spoil the food, and because drying removes moisture, dried fruit becomes smaller and lighter in weight. Drying also slows down the enzyme action that causes foods to ripen, but the process does not inactivate these beneficial compounds.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignThese modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:SelectionDrying ProcessPackagingMarketingLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of drying of fruit, including the following:SelectionDrying ProcessPackagingMarketing

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
9 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Large areas of the Republic of South Africa are subject to hot and dry climatic conditions, high evaporation and a low and intermittent rainfall, where optimal crop production is not possible without the addition of plant available water by means of irrigation.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IntroductionSoilCentre pivot IrrigationDrip IrrigationFlood IrrigationSprinkler IrrigationLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a basic understanding of the important role of and contribution of correct irrigation practices including the following:Understand the soilDrip IrrigationSprinkler IrrigationCentre pivot IrrigationFlood Irrigation

6 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
953 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Grain production is a total farming process which includes a lot of activities and planning from planting to harvestingWho Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignOnline Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming PracticesCourse ContentPloughing Seedbed preparationPlantingBoom sprayer calibration  Soil sampling and analysisLeaf sampling and analysis

4 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
973 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Grain production is a total farming process which includes a lot of activities and planning from planting to harvestingWho Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audiovisual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Introduction Good farming Practices Value chain Soil, climate, crop interaction Crop rotation systems Soil Preparation Soil classification Soil structures Cultivar choice Biotechnology 1 Biotechnology 2 (Weed Scenarios) Biotechnology 3 (Roundup Ready) Soil sampling Taking of soil samples Soil testing parameters Basic liming principles pH and liming Lime requirements for soil Planting process Planter calibration Fertilizer placing Liquid Fertilizer calibration Plant Nutrition Macro and Micro elementsPlant nutrition requirementsNutrition needs assessmentTop dressing Liquid Fertilisation Leaf sap analysisMicro – Macro element absorption balanceOrganic matter breakdownPlant reaction to NematodesPrecision Agriculture 1Precision Agriculture 2 Precision Agriculture 3Weed control 1Weed control 2 Vertical aspect interactionHorizontal aspect interactionProfitability equationLearning OutcomesHave a better understanding of some of the important aspects of grain production including the following:Good farming practicesValue chainSoil, climate, crop interactionSoil preparationBiotechnologySoil samplingFertilizationPlant nutrient requirementsPrecision agricultureWeed control

13 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
966 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Produsente is blootgestel aan produksie risikos. Verskansing het ten doel om jou boerdery se risiko minder te maak en winsmarges op jou fisiese graan vas te lê.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou.Kursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:Bemarkings VersekeringProduk RisikosTermyn MarkFutures MarkInvoer/Uitvoer PariteitLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van risiko versekering van graan produkte kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte:Bemarkings VersekeringProduk RisikosTermyn MarkFutures MarkInvoer/Uitvoer Pariteit

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
7 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The South African Futures Exchange (Safex) consists of two divisions; a financial markets division for trading of equity derivatives and an agricultural markets division (AMD) for trading of agricultural derivatives.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IntroductionPrice VolatilityRisk ManagementFutures MarketSpot MarketTrading on the Futures MarketReal Life ExampleHedge or SpeculatePayments and CashflowsProcess and Role Players Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Safex including the following:Price VolatilityRisk ManagementFutures MarketSpot MarketTrading on the Futures MarketReal Life ExampleHedge or SpeculatePayments and CashflowsProcess and Role Players

4 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
60 Enrolled

IntroductionLucerne is a reliable plant for use as extensive pasture, intensive forage, and fodder under irrigation. livestock production and increases in the yield and quality of subsequent cereal crops. Lucerne crops can be grown by farmers who are seeking a nutritious, soil-enriching source of forage for their livestock. An established lucerne pasture provides an alternative source of forage for animal production, especially outside the growing season of annual crops and pastures. On completion of this very basic video series, candidates should be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of lucerne production including the following:Soil samplingFertilizationPlant nutrient requirementsprecision agricultureWeed control

4 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
940 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Different soils and crops require different fertilizers and fertilization is only a means to an end. The objective is to ensure the optimum yield for various crops and this is only possible if the full potential of the soil is unlockedWho Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:FertilizationSoil as growth mediumGrowth factorsFertilization Conservation farmingBiological farmingChemical fertility of soilSoil reactionRole of essential plant nutrientsPhosphatePotassiumCalcium and SulphurMicro-elementsMolybdenumUreaPlant requirementsManaging leaf growthMacro-elementsMicro-elementsRoot development and nutrient absorptionSoil PrepPrecision farmingLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of soil and nutrients including the following:General fertilization aspectsThe importance of soil as growth mediumSoil potential, fertility, texture and structurePlant nutrient formulationsThe role of essential plant nutrientsThe different roles of macro and micro elementsPlant root developmentSoil preparationBiological farmingOrganic fertilizationMicrobe activity

9 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
970 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Grasse, ook bekend as eensaadlobbige (monocot) of smal-blaar plante, is 'n belangrike komponent van weiding. Benewens as veevoer word gras ook vir baie ander doeleindes gebruik. Van die belangrikste spesies wat in die natuurlike grasvlaktes voorkom, is rooigras (Themeda triandra), buffelsgras (Panicum maximum en Panicum coloratium) en bloubuffelsgras (Cenchrus ciliaris) TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou.Kursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:Algemene OorsigRooigrasFingergrasWit BuffelsgrasBlou BuffelsgrasKweekLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van enkele grassoorte kan hê inslutend die volgende:Algemene OorsigRooigrasFingergrasWit BuffelsgrasBlou BuffelsgrasKweek

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
8 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The seed plants play an integral role in all aspects of life on the planet, shaping the physical terrain, influencing the climate, and maintaining life as we know it. For millennia, human societies have depended on seed plants for nutrition and medicinal compounds. Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Seed Plants IntroductionMaize Seed Quality and ProtectionWheat seedsBreeding 1Breeding 2Wheat FlourStorage and Seed banksSunflowersCanolaVegetables Tomato VarietiesBeansOnionsQuality Control Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of the different seed types and plants including the following:Maize Seed Quality and ProtectionWheat seedsBreeding 1Breeding 2Wheat FlourStorage and Seed banksSunflowersCanolaVegetables Tomato VarietiesBeansOnionsQuality Control

7 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
47 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Vegetable production is a total farming process which includes a lot of activities and planning from planting to harvesting.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IntroductionIntroduction to VegetablesSoilCentre pivot IrrigationDrip IrrigationFlood IrrigationSprinkler IrrigationTomato ProductionLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a basic understanding of the important role of and contribution of correct irrigation practices including the following:Intro to Vegetable Series - Soil TypesIntro to Vegetable Series - TemperaturesIntro to Vegetable Series - Seed and SeedlingsIntro to Vegetable Series - Pests and DiseasesIntro to Vegetable Series - IrrigationIntro to Vegetable Series - FertilizationIntro to Vegetable Series - HarvestingIntro to Vegetable Series - MarketingIntro to Vegetable Series - Summary

9 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
969 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Potato Production is a total farming process which includes a lot of activities and planning from planting to harvesting.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is an introductory series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Considerations for Potato ProductionLand PreparationPlantingCrop ManagementPest and Disease ManagementHarvestingPost Harvesting HandlingUtilisation and Nutritional ValueLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a basic understanding of the important role of and contribution of correct irrigation practices including the following:Considerations for Potato ProductionLand PreparationPlantingCrop ManagementPest and Disease ManagementHarvestingPost Havesting HandlingUtilization and Nutritional Value

12 Lessons
Updated: Feb 2024
21 Enrolled

Kursus Inleiding Oudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is. Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker. Groente verbouing is 'n totale boerderyproses wat baie aktiwiteite en beplanning van plant tot oes insluit. Teikengehoor Alle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou Kursus Ontwerp ’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra. Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word. Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun. Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun. Kursusinhoud Hierdie reeks dek die volgende groente soort onderwerpe: Beet Kool Spinasie Wortels Knoffel Geëntegreerde pesbestuur Leeruitkomste Na voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van die volgende groente soorte produksie hê: Beet Kool Spinasie Wortels Knoffel Geëntegreerde pesbestuur

9 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2025
7 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.A Fresh Produce Market is a market, established for the orderly and centralised distribution of fresh produce and is a way of selling produce to consumers.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:The MarketMarket Agents' ActivitiesGrading StandardsService Level Agreements andTransportLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of fresh produce market including the following:The MarketMarket Agents' ActivitiesGrading StandardsService Level Agreements andTransport

4 Lessons
Updated: Apr 2024
799 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Undercover Farming is an agricultural technique in which the crop is grown under covers, where it is protected from environmental factors such as rain, hail, wind, frost, and pests. Commercial tunnel farming is usually done on farms with greenhouses using electric lights and plastic coveringsWho Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IntroductionSeedlingsMaintaining Vegetables Types of CropsLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:Have a better understanding of Undercover Farming including the following aspects:IntroductionSeedlingsMaintaining Vegetables Types of Crops

4 Lessons
Updated: Jan 2024
822 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Tonnel boerdery is 'n landboutegniek waarin die gewas onder die dekke verbou word, waar dit beskerm word teen omgewingsfaktore soos reën, hael, wind, ryp en plae. Kommersiële tonnelboerdery word gewoonlik op plase met kweekhuise gedoen met elektriese ligte en plastiekbedekkings.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou.Kursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:Strukture en FunksiesTipes - Voor en NadeleBedekkingsmateriaalMarkte en AreasLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van Tonnel Boerdery kan hê, insluitend die volgende aspekte,Strukture en FunksiesTipes - Voor en NadeleBedekkingsmateriaalMarkte en Areas

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
7 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. Avoid the development of pesticide resistance by using integrated pest management (IPM), which employs a combination of control methods and commonly reduces reliance on pesticides.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Best.Course ContentIntroductionTransportationBuying PesticidesStorageMixing and ApplicationWaste ManagementIntegratedLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of pesticide management including the following:TransportationStorageMixing and ApplicationWaste Management

4 Lessons
Updated: Dec 2023
77 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Financial management is essential to enable a farmer to study optimal functions. We work in a rapidly changing environment and it requires a lot of input, especially from the production side. A farmer faces day-to-day challenges and in the changing environment, his focus is greatly diversified. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Introduction to Financial management Functions of financial management Business Enterprises Elements of Financial Management Statements of Cash flows – Elements Statement of Cash flows – Inflows and outflows Cash Flow Budgeting Statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income 1 Statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income 2 Introduction to the Statement of financial position Statement of financial position Statement of financial position – Components Learning Outcomes Why is financial management important?Financial management is not only the link between the various components of a farm but an instrument that enables the farmer to not only manage his business profitably but also keep the risks as low as possible. On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of the main functions of financial management including the following: Budgeting  Recordkeeping Analysis and planning Are you using your assets optimally? Understand the cost elements The importance of a cash flow statement and cash flow budget The financing decision  Income statements Balance sheet  

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
929 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is. Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker. Finansiële bestuur is noodsaaklik om 'n boer in staat te stel om optimale funksies te bestudeer. Ons werk in 'n vinnig veranderende omgewing en dit verg baie insette, veral van die produksiekant. ’n Boer staar daaglikse uitdagings in die gesig en in die veranderende omgewing is sy fokus baie gediversifiseer.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landou.Kursus Uitleg’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra. Hierdie is 'n omvattende reeks modules wat 'n stap-vir-stap proses volg en in groepopleiding of selfstudie gebruik kan word – en is volgens visuele opleidingsriglyne gestruktureer. Dit impliseer die definisie van die meeste van die termonologie wat gebruik word en waar nodig, die ondersteuning van die visuele storielyn met grafika en animasie om die leerproses te verbeter en te verseker dat volhoubare kennis in die leerproses opgedoen word. Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun. Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHietrdie Kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:Inleiding tot Finansiële bestuurFunksies van finansiële bestuurBesigheidsondernemingsElemente van Finansiële BestuurKontantvloeistate – ElementeStaat van Kontantvloei – Invloeie en uitvloeieKontantvloeibegrotingStaat van wins en verlies en ander omvattende inkomste 1Staat van wins en verlies en ander omvattende inkomste 2Inleiding tot die Staat van finansiële posisieStaat van finansiële posisieStaat van finansiële posisie – Komponente LeeruitkomsteHoekom is Finansiële bestuur belangrik?Finansiële bestuur is nie net die skakel tussen die verskillende komponente van 'n boerdery nie, maar 'n instrument wat die boer in staat stel om nie net sy besigheid winsgewend te bestuur nie, maar ook die risiko's so laag as moontlik te hou.  Na voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate in staat wees om: Het 'n beter begrip van die hooffunksies van finansiële bestuur, insluitend die volgende: BegrotingRekordhoudingAnalise en beplanningGebruik jy jou bates optimaal?Verstaan ​​die koste-elementeDie belangrikheid van 'n kontantvloeistaat en kontantvloeibegrotingDie finansieringsbesluitInkomstestateBalansstaat

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2024
185 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. Good Recordkeeping will help you monitor the progress of your business. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture. Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Maximise Profit Process DataI Learning Outcomes   On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of Record Keeping including the following aspects: Maximise Profit Process Data

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
83 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. Benchmarking is when a business uses data to compare its activities to other companies. Most often, a business will create benchmarks to measure its performance against competitors or other companies engaged in similar activities.Benchmarking in business is a way of comparing best industry practices against your organisation's processes to identify performance gaps and achieve a competitive advantage. Benchmarking can be applied to any process, approach, function, or product in business.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Key Focus AreasPerformance Indicators 1Performance Indicators 2Performance Indicators 3SolvencyConclusion

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023
37 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.A business plan is a strategy that explains in detail what your farming venture is about as it examines each aspect of your business to help you think clearly and logically about it.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills develop.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IntroductionSWOT-AnalysisProductAgri ChannelEnvironmentMarketsMarketing StrategyOperational PlanRisk AnalysisFinancial PlanSummaryLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of the important aspects and requirements in compiling a business plan including the following:SWOT analysisAgri channel and environmentMarkets and marketing strategyRisk analysisOperational and financial plans

4 Lessons
Updated: Oct 2023
952 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Marketing is a multifaceted discipline encompassing strategies and activities aimed at promoting products, services, or brands to target audiences. It involves understanding consumer needs, creating compelling messages, and utilizing various channels such as advertising, social media, and public relations to reach and engage potential customers. Effective marketing goes beyond just selling; it builds brand awareness, establishes a connection with consumers, and ultimately drives business growth. In the digital age, data-driven insights play a crucial role in refining marketing efforts, allowing businesses to tailor their messages and campaigns for maximum impact.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Farmgate MarketingCommunal MarketingLocal MarketingInformal TradingMarketing of Livestock & Livestock ProductsLearning Outcomes On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understandingof the important aspects of Marketing including the following:Farmgate MarketingCommunal MarketingLocal MarketingInformal TradingMarketing of Livestock & Livestock Products.

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
11 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The BEE scorecard assesses the structure of your business according to ownership, management, and development.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:HistoryImports and ExportsScorecard DetailsScorecard ElementsCertificateOwnershipManagement ControlEmployer EquitySkills DevelopmentPreferential ProcurementEnterprise DevelopmentSocio Economic Development Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of BEE Scorecard recordkeeping including the following:HistoryImports and ExportsScorecard DetailsScorecard ElementsCertificateOwnershipManagement ControlEmployer EquitySkills DevelopmentPreferential ProcurementEnterprise DevelopmentSocio Economic Development

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
5 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Urban horticulture is the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, aromatic plants or medicinal herbs, among other things, outside or in enclosed spaces on a domestic scale. This practice takes place in and around cities. Urban vegetable gardening is not that different from gardening anywhere else. Urban gardeners must take advantage of all available space.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Household Vegetable GardensAquaponicsAquacultureHydroponicsVermicultureVertical FarmingCompostingLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Urban Farming including the following:Household Vegetable GardensAquaponicsAquacultureHydroponicsVermicultureVertical FarmingComposting

10 Lessons
Updated: Apr 2024
835 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignThese modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Climate ChangeQuantity and QualityWater UsageVeld FiresClearing of Invasive Alien PlantsInvasive Alien SpeciesLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of ecosystems:Climate ChangeQuantity and QualityWater UsageVeld FiresClearing of Invasive Alien PlantsInvasive Alien Species

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
5 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingOudiovisuele metodologie is daarop gemik om mense betrokke by die landbou te ondersteun en te bemagtig om hul eie ontwikkeling te definieer, te bevorder en volle eienaarskap te neem, aangesien leer 'n lewenslange proses is.Vaardigheidsontwikkeling is 'n sleutelaandrywer van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoofstroom van landbou-ontwikkelingspogings is van kardinale belang om kongruensie en effektiewe ontplooiing van hulpbronne te verseker.Die grootmaak van volstruiskuikens is 'n groot uitdaging vir enige produsent en die suksesvolle grootmaak van kuikens verg goeie bestuur. Die eerste 16 weke is die belangrikste fase van oorlewing vir kuikens, aangesien hulle kwesbaar en meer vatbaar is vir infeksies gedurende hierdie periode.TeikengehoorAlle mense betrokke op die gebied van landbou.Kursus Ontwerp’n Manier om landbouproduksie te versterk, is om praktiese landbou-onderwysstelsels te ontwikkel. 'n Kragtige manier om dit te doen is deur die gebruik van oudiovisuele modules wat 'n hoogs effektiewe en beproefde metodologie is om kennis te benader, ondersoek en oor te dra.Hierdie modules is ontwerp om presies te doen wat hulle bedoel is om te doen – en dit is om vaardighede te ondersteun.Aanlyn videoreeks wat Agri-vaardigheidsontwikkeling en beste boerderypraktyke ondersteun.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpe:InleidingBehuisingKamstelselsVoedingInentingLeeruitkomsteNa voltooiing van hierdie videoreeks, sal kandidate 'n beter begrip van grootmaak van volstruiskuikens kan hê inslutend die volgende:InleidingBehuisingKamstelselsVoedingInenting

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
6 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Beekeeping goes a long way toward promoting healthy honeybee populations as Honeybee’s play a very important role in our everyday lives Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IntroductionBasic Bee KeepingDiseasesChallengesLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of the important aspects of Bee Keeping including the following:IntroductionBasic Bee KeepingDiseasesChallenges

4 Lessons
Updated: May 2024
9 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Alien vegetation refers to plants that are not native in a country and have been brought into a country from another. Alien plants threaten the indigenous vegetation as they utilize valuable and limited water resources. Most of them consume more water than indigenous plants and are depleting the valuable underground water resources. The objective is to identify, remove, and where possible prevent the establishment of these alien species.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agriculture.Course DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IdentificationControlSelection for GardensEcosystem BalanceWorking for Water InitiativeAgri UsageWeeds

4 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023
32 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. Vegetable production is a total farming process which includes a lot of activities and planning from planting to harvesting. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Introduction Introduction to Vegetables Soil Centre pivot Irrigation Drip Irrigation Flood Irrigation Sprinkler Irrigation Tomato Production Learning Outcomes On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a basic understanding of the important role of and contribution of correct irrigation practices including the following: Intro to Vegetable Series - Soil Types Intro to Vegetable Series - Temperatures Intro to Vegetable Series - Seed and Seedlings Intro to Vegetable Series - Pests and Diseases Intro to Vegetable Series - Irrigation Intro to Vegetable Series - Fertilization Intro to Vegetable Series - Harvesting Intro to Vegetable Series - Marketing Intro to Vegetable Series - Summary

10 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
34 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. Grain production is a total farming process which includes a lot of activities and planning from planting to harvesting Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices Course Content Ploughing  Seedbed preparation Planting Boom sprayer calibration   Soil sampling and analysis Leaf sampling and analysis

5 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
32 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.Large areas of the Republic of South Africa are subject to hot and dry climatic conditions, high evaporation and a low and intermittent rainfall, where optimal crop production is not possible without the addition of plant available water by means of irrigation.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:IntroductionSoilCentre pivot IrrigationDrip IrrigationFlood IrrigationSprinkler IrrigationLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a basic understanding of the important role of and contribution of correct irrigation practices including the following:Understand the soilDrip IrrigationSprinkler IrrigationCentre pivot IrrigationFlood Irrigation

7 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2024
6 Enrolled

Introduction Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources. The poultry sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic farmers who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable poultry farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security. The implementation of a sound management, health and nutrition programme is essential for sustainable poultry production. Who Should Enrol All people involved in the field of agriculture Course Design A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge. This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process. These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development. Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices. Course Content This course covers the following topics: Introduction and marketing Housing Systems Management Ideal conditions Diseases and vaccinations Learning Outcomes On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to have a better understanding of the important aspects of poultry production including the following: Site selection and housing Management Ventilation Heating systems Feeds and nutrition Water requirements Biosecurity and health Marketing

10 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
35 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.An understanding of basic nutrition requirements is essential as proper nutrition of dairy cattle is vital for sustainable and successful production. Who Should EnrollAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the termnology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Anionic salts 1Anionic salts 2Calcium and Phosphorus needsClassification of FeedsClassification of FeedstuffsDairy Productive SystemsDigestive system 1Digestive system 2Digestive system 3Digestive system 4Digestive system 5Digestive system 6Digestive system 7Digestive system 8Dry cow feeding period ADry cow feeding period Dry forages & roughagesDrying off period 1Drying off period 2Early Lactation PeriodFeed classificationFeeding of the dairy herdFibre FractionsForage qualityLactation PhasesLife Cycle (Birth of a Calf)Mature Body WeightMetabolic problemsMicrobial proteinMixed rations 1Mixed rations 2Nutrient Content of foragesNutrients CarbohydratesNutrients ConcentratesNutrients proteinNutrients 1Nutrients 2Nutrients 3Nutrition IntroductionNutrient Requirements during the Lactation cyclePasture systemPeak lactation Phase 1Peak lactation Phase 2Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of the important aspects of dairy herd nutrition requirements to ensure sustainable dairy production including the following:The digestive systemThe different production systemsFeed classificationThe types of feedThe different nutritional requirements

15 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2024
9 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process.Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.The implementation of a sound dairy management system is essential for sustainable dairy production.Who Should EnrollAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Behavioural PatternsCalving SeasonDairy productsDairy product managementDairy Quality FacilitiesFeeding Areas and TypeHandling Facilities 1Handling facilitiesHandling of AnimalsMature Body weight (first Calf)Mature Body weight (Second Calf)Milking SystemsTransportationLearning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of the important aspects of dairy herd management to ensure sustainable milk production including the following:Dairy products and qualityProduct managementFacilitiesHandling of the animalsMilking systemsThe importance of mature body weight and calving

8 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2024
9 Enrolled

IntroductionAudio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote and take full ownership of their own development, as learning is a life-long process. Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.The livestock sector plays an important part in the agricultural economy. Educated, enthusiastic livestock owners who understand agribusiness and the related methods to reduce their risks, are key to sustainable livestock farming and will play a vital role in supporting and enhancing sustainable agriculture and food security.Establish a sound health programme. Vaccines and medicines, with improved production practices including advanced techniques and devices will assist with the prevention of diseases and optimizing the efficiency of feed-to-meat conversion.Who Should EnrolAll people involved in the field of agricultureCourse DesignA way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine and impart knowledge.This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step by step process and can be used in group training or self study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.Course ContentThis course covers the following topics:Animal ExaminationAnthraxAntibiotics 1 (Herd Health Programme)Antibiotics 2 (Product Storage)Biosecurity (Management Practices)Biosecurity strategiesBiosecurityBovine TuberculosisBovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)Calf DiarrhoeaCalf health 1Calf health 2 (Colostrum Immunity)Clinical EvaluationClostridial diseaseDiagnosing Preventing liver FlukesDippingExternal Parasites (Immunisation 1)External Parasites (Immunisation 2)External Parasites (Immunisation 3)External Parasites 1Fertility BullsFertility Cows Gall SicknessHerd Health (Calves Feedlot)Herd Health (Young Calves)Immunisation 1Immunisation 2Immunisation 3Immunisation processInfectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)Internal Parasites (Clostridial Disease 1) Internal Parasites (Clostridial Disease 2)Internal Parasites (Liver fluke 1)Internal Parasites (Liver fluke 2)Internal Parasites (Roundworm 1)Internal Parasites (Roundworm 2)Lumpy Skin Disease Parasite management Practical Tick ControlRed waterRespiratory disease 1Respiratory Disease 2Rift Valley feverThree Day Stiffness DiseaseVaccination Administration 1Vaccination Administration 2Vaccination Management 1Vaccination Management 2Learning OutcomesOn completion of this video series, candidates will be able to: Have a better understanding of the importance of having a healthy herd including the following aspects:The role and importance of biosecurityHow to identify and treat external parasitesHow to identify and treat internal parasitesThe importance of an effective immunization programmeAll of this to underline the effect on effective and sustainable beef production

14 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2024
37 Enrolled

Kursus InleidingHierdie kursus bied kennis en insig in die menslike denkpatrone en modelle wat deur die jare ontwikkel en getoets is. Dieselfde modelle het besighede gehelp om te floreer, en skole om sukses te behaal en het baie individue toegelaat om vreugde op baie lewensterreine te ervaar. Jy kan ook hierdie modelle toepas om daardie broodnodige kopskuif te maak om beheer oor jou gewig, jou eetgewoontes en algemene gesondheid te kry.TeikengehoorAlhoewel dit waar is dat baie individue bekommerd is oor hul gewig en daarna streef om 'n gesonde leefstyl te leef, is dit belangrik om te erken dat nie almal gewig of gesondheid op dieselfde manier prioritiseer nie. Mense het uiteenlopende perspektiewe, prioriteite en omstandighede wat beïnvloed hoe hulle hul welstand benader.KursusinhoudHierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpeInleidingFeite Oor GewigKos as 'n SnellerBreinvoorkeureDie LinkerbreinDie RegterbreinSukses en die HeelbreinDie Gewoonte DagboekSamevattingLeeruitkomsteOm gewig te verloor of jou doelgewig te handhaaf, is 'n lewenslange stryd vir baie mense. Hierdie kursus sal u help om die kern van u gewigsprobleem te identifiseer. Jou breinvoorkeure beïnvloed jou benadering tot diëte dinamies. Sonder hierdie kennis is jou kanse op sukses skraal!

10 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023

IntroductionThis course will present knowledge and insight into the human thought patterns and models that have been developed and tested throughout the years. These same models helped businesses to prosper, and schools to succeed and allowed many individuals to experience joy in many areas of life. You can also apply these models to make that much-needed mind shift to get control over your weight, you’re eating habits and overall health.Who Should EnrolWhile it's true that many individuals are concerned about their weight and strive to live a healthy lifestyle, it's important to recognize that not everyone prioritizes weight or health in the same way. People have diverse perspectives, priorities, and circumstances that influence how they approach their well-being.Course ContentThis course covers the following:Hierdie kursus dek die volgende onderwerpeIntroductionFactoids About WeightFood as a TriggerBrain PreferencesThe Left BrainL1 on DietL2 on DietThe Right BrainR1 on DietR2 on DietThe Whole Brain in ActionThe Habit-Changing DiaryWrapping UpKos as 'n SnellerLearning OutcomesLosing weight or maintaining your goal weight is a lifelong battle for many people. This course will help you identify the essence of your weight problem. Your brain preferences dynamically influence your approach to diets. Without this knowledge, your chances of success are slim!

10 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023

Make uncertainty your friend! The VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world is just going to intensify in future. A practical course assisting candidates in dealing psychologically and practically with the challenges of uncertainty in their personal and work lives and turning it into possibility.

9 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2023
8 Enrolled
Personal Development

Introduction: Benjamin Franklin once said, 'In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.' We would add a third item to his list: anger. Controlling and limiting anger is important in every aspect of one's life. Without control, you are putting limits on what you can accomplish in your personal and professional life. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, personal relationships, and even their lives when it gets out of hand. However, since everyone experiences anger, it is important to have constructive approaches to manage it effectively. The Anger Management course will help teach participants how to identify their anger triggers and what to do when they get angry. Course Objectives: Understand anger dynamics in terms of the anger cycle and the fight and flight theory. Know common anger myths and their factual refutations. Know the helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger. Understand the difference between objective and subjective language. Know tips for identifying the problem. Express a feeling or position using I-messages. Negotiation and solution-building. Reflect on one’s hot buttons and personal anger dynamics. Learn and practice de-escalation techniques.

2 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
7 Enrolled
Personal Development

Introduction: Taking control over the emotions that shape our lives can have powerful effects. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions, behaviors, and impulses, as well as apply this knowledge to the world around us. It encourages self-awareness, internal motivation, and the exploration of diverse perspectives. Through effective and authentic communication, emotional intelligence will create positive relationships within any organization. Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed, in which these skills will help you to maximize your personal and professional success. The Developing Emotional Intelligence course will provide participants with the tools to gain control over emotions, navigate challenging situations, and communicate empathetically. With emotional intelligence, you can build a happy and prosperous life. Course Objectives: Define emotional intelligence and emotions Identify the components of emotional intelligence Identify tools to gain control over emotions Determine effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills Successfully execute conflict resolution and manage relationships with others Identify the benefits of being emotionally aware Recognize ways to apply emotional intelligence in the workplace Determine ways to make a great impression on others

1 Lessons
Updated: Nov 2024
7 Enrolled